28 Day Fasting

Completing the 28 day fast in February ended up being a real anti-climax. I don’t really know what I was expecting, but in the end I did lose just over two stone in weight, and a task that would normally take me about seven days I managed to complete in four, so mentally I was more alert and focused. Now looking back I think I could have got the same or even better benefits from doing much shorter and easier fasts. It does depend on what you are trying to achieve, if you want anti-ageing and growth hormone, the best results are achieved with one meal a day, fasting for around 23 hours, but if you are looking for maximum weight loss you want to go for 72 hours or longer. I have done 5 day, 7 day, 10 and 12 days and the 28 day, I still have about 4 stone that I want to lose, and I am considering trying 3 days of fasting and 4 days eating, on a four week cycle. This is something I will be covering at a later date after I have tried it and I know the results weight wise as well as health wise.

Health is something that everyone is interested in, especially as we get older we want to stay as fit as possible. It was to this end that while I was doing my 28 day February fast I started doing some research into the reason that some guys are finding it so hard to shift that stubborn belly fat, and it has turned out to be far more complicated than I first imagined. I still have a lot of work to do before this article is going to be ready, but I think it is the most important research that I have done so far, and when it is complete it’s something that every guy out there really needs to read, so keep watching guys….

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